Why support our work?

Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer in the world, and yet it has a relatively low profile compared to other cancer types. Meanwhile, the effects of the disease can be particularly visible and debilitating: existing treatment options are harsh, can result in significant visual changes to the face, and lifelong difficulties with eating and speaking.

Your support enables us to fund medical research into head and neck cancer, including new treatment options. We typically provide early-stage or seed funding for research projects which employ novel or experimental approaches, which larger medical research bodies may be unwilling to fund. By doing so, we help drive innovation in cancer research. We also enable researchers to gather the data they need to apply for larger grants.

See previous research we've funded here.

Alongside funding medical research, we help raise awareness of head and neck cancer among health professionals and the public through education initiatives. We also do advocacy and lobbying work to promote policies which help prevent head and neck cancers, improve outcomes for patients, and reduce health inequities.


If you would like your donation to go towards a specific aspect of our work we are happy to accommodate this. Please get in touch with us to discuss this.


By leaving HNCFA a gift in your Will you’re leaving a lasting impact. You can help ensure that vital medical research into head and neck cancers continues for the long-term.

Visit our Gathered Here page to leave a bequest and write a Will for free.


If you’re an organisation interested in sponsoring our work, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch to discuss ways of working together.