Vision: to achieve prevention, early detection, and improved treatment for patients with cancer in the head and neck area.

Mission: improve outcomes for patients affected by head and neck cancer.


We support research to better understand head and neck cancers and develop more effective and less invasive treatment.


We provide education for the public and healthcare professionals about head and neck cancers, including prevention, diagnosis and care.


We advocate for strategies which help prevent head and neck cancers, improve outcomes for patients, and reduce health inequities.

Chair, Head and Neck Cancer Foundation Aotearoa, Head Neck Cancer Surgeon and Research Scientist:

“Patients affected by cancer in the head and neck often face a marked loss of quality of life because of harsh treatment required for this life-threatening illness. As a surgeon treating patients with cancer of the head and neck for over 25 years, I have seen incremental improvements in the management of affected patients resulting from basic science and clinical research.

Multidisciplinary care that provides co-ordinated treatment for the patients offers the opportunity for optimal cure and preservation of the quality of life. However, more needs to be done as current available treatment remains harsh and the cure rates have only improved marginally, over the last 50 years.

It is only through perseverance in research that better strategies for prevention, early detection, and more effective treatment can be realised. Through the Foundation, it is our mission to promote such research and education, for the benefit of our patients.

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join us and help us achieve our goals by donating to this worthy cause. On behalf of the trustees for the Foundation, I thank you for your generosity.”