Patient videos

In this series, several patients discuss their experiences of head and neck cancer with our former Trustee, Dr Rob Allison. Thank you to everyone who shared their stories.

An introduction from Dr Rob Allison.

Lawrence is a 60 year old printer, an ex-smoker, who found his voice was becoming progressively more husky and weak over a few months. He was diagnosed with a cancer of the larynx (voice box) in 2010, and treated with laser and radiotherapy. The cancer recurred and he had a laryngectomy (removal of voice box) in 2011.

Neil is a fit 65 year old car salesman who developed a painless lump in front of his right ear which became bigger over 4 to 5 weeks. A needle test of the lump confirmed cancer.

David is a 67 year old retired farmer who developed pain in his left lower jaw with eating. This became worse over several weeks and he then noticed numbness of his left lip and chin.

Cosette is a 40 year old factory worker who developed a one-sided sore throat and earache (on the same side) that became progressively worse over seven weeks. She found it painful to swallow.

Barbara is a 67 year old real estate agent who had been troubled by a white patch on her tongue for a number of years. Initially this was treated as thrush but failed to go away and was eventually diagnosed as cancer.